Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Oh Deer!

Michala and Daddy holding the fawn.
A couple of weeks ago, a camper found this baby
fawn here at Southland. Not knowing that the
mother was probably near by, the camper picked
it up and brought it down to camp. If the scent
of a human is on the fawn, the mother will not take
care of it; so our program director called the warden
to come pick it up and take care of it. Here we are
waiting for him to come. This little thing was probably
so scared, but we really enjoyed holding Bambi!


SturgillMom said...

Those are the coolest pictures! I have never seen a fawn before...SO cute.

Anonymous said...

What fun for your kids!!

Bob Patterson said...

Such cute pictures!! Lauren would be beside herself if she was able to hold a fawn...we have to stop her from trying to catch the deer in the field behind our house.

Jackie Patterson