Thursday, July 3, 2008

It's Summertime!

We are enjoying our lazy days of summer here at Southland...well, at least me and the kids. Mike runs crazier than ever during the summer, but he still loves being here!! :) This is our favorite time of year...the kids have so much fun, we stay in one place for a couple of months, and we get to be with our friends.

Daddy and the kids on Father's Day. The kids gave him a Fitness GPS so he can track how he's doing while training for this next marathon.

Micah and Malachi creating something out there...who knows what they were coming up with!

Daddy and McKenna outside the trailer.

All the camp kids...

Top row: Emma and Abigail Gustafson, Julia Sasek, Micah, Malachi

Bottom row: Erin and Ann Gustafson, McKenna and Michala, Jenna Sasek and Reagan Bill

Julia and Malachi at the ball field. The boys would stay out all day, every day if I would let them. They get up really early every morning to get all their chores/practicing/devotions done and then they are OUT the door with Daddy! I am so glad that they have these months to have a "backyard" that we don't have out on the road.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks like you guys are having a great summer! We are coming down the week of the 14th (Wed-Sat.) so we'll see you! Steven has more work to do on the computers :)